We at Chain Electric are committed to a work culture of safe operations and Target Zero incidents. This uncompromising commitment to safety consistently provides a workplace with motivated, productive employees who are proud to be a part of our team.
To accomplish this commitment we have embraced the following guidelines and principles.
Recruit and only hire candidates that embrace our work culture of safe operations.
Dedicate the majority of our new employee orientation to company and industry safe work rules and expectations. Orientation is normally conducted by a member of our safety department staff during the probationary period of a new candidate.
Provide continuing training for our team members to recognize and mitigate workplace hazards. Chain also offers a four year lineman training program. Together these initiatives help us to develop a safe, qualified and competent workforce.
Empower all of our team members with the responsibility to make consistent decisions where safety trumps productivity on all levels and at all times.
Management and safety personnel conduct mandated and random crew visits by observing, auditing and coaching team members with regards to established safe work rules and expectations.

Chain Electric has numerous full time field management and safety/training supervisors that are assigned specific territories, crews and customers. Each safety supervisor has extensive field and supervisory experience along with additional training and industry certifications to supplant his assigned role as safety and training supervisor.
Our total commitment to safety and training is unparalleled in the industry and recognize that this significant investment consistently pays tremendous dividends to our employees and customers.